Saturday, November 7, 2009

Dog Training Tips

Dog Training Tips Can Radically Transform How Your Dog Behaves

These days, whatever you are searching for is available online and dog training tips are not an exception, and if you look around, you will come across a number of sites that provide dog training tips from getting your puppy potty trained, to teaching dogs new tricks and also getting the dog to learn how to behave properly. Suffice to say, that there are some very basic dog training tips available that can bring about radical changes in your pet in the way that he behaves with other dogs, and also with strangers.

Follow Simple Commands

You can choose from different types of dog training tips and it would depend on the type of training you wish your dog to undergo though basically you will want the dog to follow simple commands. Thus, you can get the dog trained so as to show you its tummy and also teach it how to roll over and have its stomach scratched, which is something that most dogs love.

You also want your dog to understand that it is being praised, and besides teaching it how to behave, you also want your dog to understand when it has done something right and is thus worthy of praise, and it will show to the dog how pleased you are with its behavior, and it will then learn to understand that it has done a good thing.

Other handy dog training tips include sending the dog to attend obedience classes, which is something that many dog owners recommend since at an obedience class, the dog will begin to understand the need to obey commands, and the dog owner can also learn how to train the dog at home. Besides showering praise on your dog, you can also reinforce its behavior (good) with treats and also rewards to promote desirable behavior in your pet.

Another positive dog training tip is to teach your dog to play certain games that help reinforce proper behavior in the dog, and which will make for a good and fun learning experience for the dog, and though it does mean being very repetitive, it will ingrain the dog with good habits. Also, it helps with dog training tips to ensure that you train your dog in different locations since that will help it to learn certain commands irrespective of where the dog is. The example of leash training is a case in point, because though this form of training is best performed outdoors, it pays to also teach your dog inside the home as well, to make the training that much more effective.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Dog Potty Training

Euro Millions Live

Dog Potty Training: Get Started At An Early Age For Best Results

Dogs are very cute and irresistible pets – that’s for sure. However, if they are not properly trained, it could ruin your home and furniture since they would poop as well as urinate all over the place leaving you at your wit’s end as to how to get your dog potty trained? However, you need not despair since there are a few steps for you to follow that will ensure that you learn all that there is to know about dog potty training, and thus help your pet learn where to go when needing to pass stool, or urinate.

Train Dogs Like You Train Little Children

Dogs must be trained just like little children are trained and thus they should be introduced to correct dog potty training at an early stage when they are most receptive to learning and which will ensure that your dog goes out and does its business where it has been taught to go. After the dog is introduced to dog potty training, it will ensure that your home stays in order and you won’t need to spend time cleaning up the mess an untrained animal is sure to create.

The first thing you should do is to crate your dog, since that is an important first step in dog potty training during which time you can keep a close eye on your pet while he is being trained to do his potty in the proper place. You need to ensure that he is not left alone for too long as he may do nasty while you are not about and that would defeat the purpose of dog potty training.

Another important aspect to dog potty training is to feed the dog a diet consisting of proper food, which is important if you wish the dog potty training to succeed. You should be aware that certain dog foods are not so good for your pet, and such foods can adversely affect how it poops. In addition, you should also give the dog the proper portion of food, and remember that if there is more waste in the food, the greater is the likelihood of it wanting to eliminate. For more details, you can consult your veterinarian about which the correct foods for your dog are.

Yet another important aspect to proper dog potty training is to schedule his meal times as well as times when it drinks, and try and not give him treats before it is time for him to go to bed at night, and you should also give limited amounts of water, as it will not encourage the dog to drink out of boredom or because of stress.

No doubt, dog potty training is a time consuming activity and you as the owner needs to be patient, and if you want to succeed, you can even take expert advice to get over whatever teething problems occur during the training period, and using proven strategies will bound to have a positive effect on your dog’s eliminating habits.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Dog Obedience Training

Dog Obedience Training: Making Your Dog Feel Happy, Content And A Good Companion

If you are not satisfied with the behavior of your dog, you won’t have much choice but to put it through dog obedience training. Of course, it need not be difficult to train your dog, though it is a process that requires plenty of patience and so it pays to know a little bit more about the various steps involved in dog obedience training.

Realize Its Basic Needs

With dog obedience training, you can help the dog realize some of its basic needs including exercising and being secure in the knowledge regarding what is expected of it and teaching it to constructively interact socially. After it has been through dog obedience training, your dog will be able to respond in an appropriate manner to the commands that you issue to it and it will get over its neurotic behavior in trying to please its master and not become anxious should it displease its master.

The main aim of dog obedience training is to teach your dog the correct method of behavior when there are other people around, and it should also teach him to become a companion whose behavior is impeccable as well. In addition, the dog will have learnt how to perform specific tasks, though of course he should not be punished when he fails to do what is asked off him.

There are many that believe that dog obedience training implies punishing the dog and to an extent it is advisable since it helps to keep the dog in good order and he will learn as to what is acceptable and what is not. Giving the dog a treat when he performs the right action is recommended as too is not giving treats when he displeases you and this is a good enough method in teaching your dog elementary commands such as sit, heel and stay.

Essentially, it will pay you well to realize that dogs are social animals that will respond well to dog obedience training and if he is not trained, the dog will behave wildly rather than in a manner that is appropriate for a housebroken dog. There no doubts either that dog obedience training is a process that will continue for longer than an initial period and it requires the active participation of the owner as well as the trainer, and it is more than giving your dog commands and pushing it into working hard. It is also meant to improve the quality of life of the animal and it should help in making it a happy, content and obedient companion that will enjoy its time in yours and the company of others in the home.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Dog Training Aids

Dog Training Aids: Training Your Dog To Become A Dog Citizen

Dogs are human’s best companions. They are loyal and are loving creatures who would like to please their wieners most of the time. However, dogs can be quite challenging to train too. Teaching a dog to become a good citizen requires a lot of patience, creativity and love on the part of the owner. If you are a first time dog owner and you want to have some really great times with your dog, you need to get the right dog training aids to help you train your dog. With the right dog training aids, you and your dog will be working as a team in no time.

Getting Started

There are so many dog training aids being promoted and sold in the market today. These dog training aids are developed to different purposes so you should be careful when buying training aids. If you are not very familiar with the different dog training aids, it would be a good idea for you to buy a dog training book or CD first and learn how things are done when training your dog.

Aside from buying books and CDs on dog training, it would be best for you to find someone who knows all about dogs and ask for some advice. The breeder of your dog will be able to help you a lot on this matter so give that breeder a call and ask for some advice. You may also visit the breeder and take a look at the dog training aids that he have. In most cases, breeders also sell dog training aids so you might as well buy some of your dog training aids from the breeder to save time and effort hunting for training aids.

Preparing For Training

You will need to train your dog to obey to your commands. Depending on the type of dog that you have, this task may prove to be quite a challenge. For instance, Labrador retrievers are very intelligent, even tempered and easy to train. In most cases, this type of dog follows instructions.

On the other hand, bulldogs can be quite stubborn and willful. Yes, bulldogs are very intelligent and lovable but most of the time, they would like to do things their way so you better be prepared. Buy plenty of toys and treats before you start training your dog. Dogs love treats and they will be more eager to follow your instructions if they know that they will be rewarded for their good deeds.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Dog Training

A Few Tips On Proper Dog Training

When you think about dog training, there is a controversial aspect to it in the form of debarking surgery, which is a procedure that will result in low volume to the dog’s barking, and such a procedure is normally used on those dogs that not only have an especially loud barking, but who also bark incessantly. Prime examples of this procedure include debarking done on Shetlands and also collies.

Debarking Is A Contentious Issue

However, debarking does not result in the dog ceasing to bark and it is only the volume that is reduced and thus this is a topic of dog training that has been debated a lot by animal lovers as well as by experts with many considering debarking to be useful on dogs that bark too loud and too much, while others consider it to be a process that is both unnecessary as well as cruel.

Debarking aside, there are other aspects to dog training that dog owners need to look at if they want their dogs to behave properly and also stay happy. Of course, there are many people who don’t even think that dog training is at all necessary while others believe that dog training should involve fear and punishment. Thus, you should not be surprised to find a whole lot of different dog training philosophies doing the rounds which can often cause much confusion in the minds of dog owners.

Before jumping into a dog training exercise, you need to realize that your dog is not a hairy version of a human because they are in fact pack animals and their world is a lot more ordered when they are following a pack rather than the dog owner. Next, you should remember that dog training need not mean having to yell and hit the dog every time he misbehaves since such behavior only puts fear as well as anxiety in the dog’s mind. Rather than respond well to the training, the dog will actually come to hate it and thus his focus will be poor and he will also not be relaxed. Still, negative reinforcement is recommended which is different to punishment and the best form of it is to withdraw his treats and also not show him any affection.

Another common fault that dog owners commit in dog training is to try and train their dog in a busy place in the mistaken belief that the dog will be able to concentrate better in an environment that is filled with distractions. And, you should also ensure that you don’t try and teach your dog too many commands because he can easily loose focus and also become bored with the training.