Saturday, October 24, 2009

Dog Obedience Training

Dog Obedience Training: Making Your Dog Feel Happy, Content And A Good Companion

If you are not satisfied with the behavior of your dog, you won’t have much choice but to put it through dog obedience training. Of course, it need not be difficult to train your dog, though it is a process that requires plenty of patience and so it pays to know a little bit more about the various steps involved in dog obedience training.

Realize Its Basic Needs

With dog obedience training, you can help the dog realize some of its basic needs including exercising and being secure in the knowledge regarding what is expected of it and teaching it to constructively interact socially. After it has been through dog obedience training, your dog will be able to respond in an appropriate manner to the commands that you issue to it and it will get over its neurotic behavior in trying to please its master and not become anxious should it displease its master.

The main aim of dog obedience training is to teach your dog the correct method of behavior when there are other people around, and it should also teach him to become a companion whose behavior is impeccable as well. In addition, the dog will have learnt how to perform specific tasks, though of course he should not be punished when he fails to do what is asked off him.

There are many that believe that dog obedience training implies punishing the dog and to an extent it is advisable since it helps to keep the dog in good order and he will learn as to what is acceptable and what is not. Giving the dog a treat when he performs the right action is recommended as too is not giving treats when he displeases you and this is a good enough method in teaching your dog elementary commands such as sit, heel and stay.

Essentially, it will pay you well to realize that dogs are social animals that will respond well to dog obedience training and if he is not trained, the dog will behave wildly rather than in a manner that is appropriate for a housebroken dog. There no doubts either that dog obedience training is a process that will continue for longer than an initial period and it requires the active participation of the owner as well as the trainer, and it is more than giving your dog commands and pushing it into working hard. It is also meant to improve the quality of life of the animal and it should help in making it a happy, content and obedient companion that will enjoy its time in yours and the company of others in the home.

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