Thursday, October 15, 2009

Dog Training

A Few Tips On Proper Dog Training

When you think about dog training, there is a controversial aspect to it in the form of debarking surgery, which is a procedure that will result in low volume to the dog’s barking, and such a procedure is normally used on those dogs that not only have an especially loud barking, but who also bark incessantly. Prime examples of this procedure include debarking done on Shetlands and also collies.

Debarking Is A Contentious Issue

However, debarking does not result in the dog ceasing to bark and it is only the volume that is reduced and thus this is a topic of dog training that has been debated a lot by animal lovers as well as by experts with many considering debarking to be useful on dogs that bark too loud and too much, while others consider it to be a process that is both unnecessary as well as cruel.

Debarking aside, there are other aspects to dog training that dog owners need to look at if they want their dogs to behave properly and also stay happy. Of course, there are many people who don’t even think that dog training is at all necessary while others believe that dog training should involve fear and punishment. Thus, you should not be surprised to find a whole lot of different dog training philosophies doing the rounds which can often cause much confusion in the minds of dog owners.

Before jumping into a dog training exercise, you need to realize that your dog is not a hairy version of a human because they are in fact pack animals and their world is a lot more ordered when they are following a pack rather than the dog owner. Next, you should remember that dog training need not mean having to yell and hit the dog every time he misbehaves since such behavior only puts fear as well as anxiety in the dog’s mind. Rather than respond well to the training, the dog will actually come to hate it and thus his focus will be poor and he will also not be relaxed. Still, negative reinforcement is recommended which is different to punishment and the best form of it is to withdraw his treats and also not show him any affection.

Another common fault that dog owners commit in dog training is to try and train their dog in a busy place in the mistaken belief that the dog will be able to concentrate better in an environment that is filled with distractions. And, you should also ensure that you don’t try and teach your dog too many commands because he can easily loose focus and also become bored with the training.

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